Once Upon a Deadpool
Once Upon a Deadpool
Once Upon a Deadpool
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Action, Comedy
After successfully working as the mercenary Deadpool for two years, Wade Wilson fails to kill one of his targets on his anniversary with Copycat (Marvel Comics), his girlfriend. That night, after the pair decide to start a family together, the target tracks Wilson down and inadvertently kills Vanessa. Wilson kills the man in revenge. He blames himself for her death and attempts to commit suicide six weeks later by blowing himself up. Wilson has a vision of Vanessa in the afterlife, but the pieces of his body remain alive and are put back together by Colossus (comics). Wilson is left with only a Skee-Ball token, an anniversary gift, as a final memento of Vanessa.
After successfully working as the mercenary Deadpool for two years, Wade Wilson fails to kill one of his targets on his anniversary with Copycat (Marvel Comics), his girlfriend. That night, after the pair decide to start a family together, the target tracks Wilson down and inadvertently kills Vanessa. Wilson kills the man in revenge. He blames himself for her death and attempts to commit suicide six weeks later by blowing himself up. Wilson has a vision of Vanessa in the afterlife, but the pieces of his body remain alive and are put back together by Colossus (comics). Wilson is left with only a Skee-Ball token, an anniversary gift, as a final memento of Vanessa.
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