2 temporadas2003Finalizado
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The anime, SD Gundam Force is about the land of Neotopia, a peaceful place where humans and robots exist side-by-side in perfect harmony. That is, until the Dark Axis, evil invaders from another dimension, set their sights on conquering Neotopia. But Neotopia has a means to defend itself. Working… More in secret, the Super Dimensional Guard Force was established, and their best hope to defeat the invaders is the top-secret Gundam Force. Led by Captain Gundam, the Gundam Force is made up of different Gundams with amazing and unique abilities. With the help of a brave boy named Shute, these fearless defenders will stop at nothing to defend Neotopia and defeat the Dark Axis once and for all! As this series moves on their will be more and more Gundams and friends joining the Gundam Force such as Bakunetsumaru the Blazing Samurai, Zero the Winged Knight and many others.
The anime, SD Gundam Force is about the land of Neotopia, a peaceful place where humans and robots exist side-by-side in perfect harmony. That is, until the Dark Axis, evil invaders from another dimension, set their sights on conquering Neotopia. But Neotopia has a means to defend itself. Working… More in secret, the Super Dimensional Guard Force was established, and their best hope to defeat the invaders is the top-secret Gundam Force. Led by Captain Gundam, the Gundam Force is made up of different Gundams with amazing and unique abilities. With the help of a brave boy named Shute, these fearless defenders will stop at nothing to defend Neotopia and defeat the Dark Axis once and for all! As this series moves on their will be more and more Gundams and friends joining the Gundam Force such as Bakunetsumaru the Blazing Samurai, Zero the Winged Knight and many others.
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