Death in Holy Orders
Death in Holy Orders
Death in Holy Orders
1 temporada2003Finalizado
Drama, Crimen, Thriller, Misterio
Based on the book by British author P.D. James, this mystery takes place at a small theological college on the coast. Detective Adam Dalgliesh (Martin Shaw) is sent back to his boyhood school to investigate the death of on of the students. Soon after the detective arrives, more murders take place, and Dalgliesh must now uncover the secrets of a complex mystery.
Based on the book by British author P.D. James, this mystery takes place at a small theological college on the coast. Detective Adam Dalgliesh (Martin Shaw) is sent back to his boyhood school to investigate the death of on of the students. Soon after the detective arrives, more murders take place, and Dalgliesh must now uncover the secrets of a complex mystery.
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