Real Housewives of Horror
Real Housewives of Horror
Real Housewives of Horror
1 temporada2013Finalizado
"The Real Housewives of Horror" is a mock reality show that follows the lives of women married to iconic horror slashers, reformed or otherwise; and like the women of Orange County and New Jersey before them, they capitalize on their marriages to make an entertaining television show. Crossing horror with comedy and blurring the line between reality and fiction, "The Real Housewives of Horror" takes a hatchet to popular horror tropes.
"The Real Housewives of Horror" is a mock reality show that follows the lives of women married to iconic horror slashers, reformed or otherwise; and like the women of Orange County and New Jersey before them, they capitalize on their marriages to make an entertaining television show. Crossing horror with comedy and blurring the line between reality and fiction, "The Real Housewives of Horror" takes a hatchet to popular horror tropes.
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