1 temporada2017Finalizado
Comedy series satirising the state of the nation. Heydon Prowse and Jolyon Rubinstein fearlessly target hypocrisy, the corrupt, the scandalous and the absurdity of modernity with their inimitable brand of ballsy humour, characters and stunts in the real world. In addition to the 'hits', they ramp up their unique form of social comment with additional scripted sketches filmed with a supporting cast of up-and-coming talent.
Comedy series satirising the state of the nation. Heydon Prowse and Jolyon Rubinstein fearlessly target hypocrisy, the corrupt, the scandalous and the absurdity of modernity with their inimitable brand of ballsy humour, characters and stunts in the real world. In addition to the 'hits', they ramp up their unique form of social comment with additional scripted sketches filmed with a supporting cast of up-and-coming talent.
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