Viking Dead
Viking Dead
Viking Dead
1 temporada2018Finalizado
From around 700AD to the Norman conquest of England in 1066, the Vikings of the Nordic lands raided and traded across northern, central, eastern and western Europe to create a feared and notorious empire. Now, almost two millennia after their often-terrifying reign, Yesterday uses the modern age to uncover secrets from the Viking Age. By investigating burial sites, The Viking Dead asks who the Norsemen really were, what the truth was about the raids and battles, and what every-day life in a Viking settlement entailed.
From around 700AD to the Norman conquest of England in 1066, the Vikings of the Nordic lands raided and traded across northern, central, eastern and western Europe to create a feared and notorious empire. Now, almost two millennia after their often-terrifying reign, Yesterday uses the modern age to uncover secrets from the Viking Age. By investigating burial sites, The Viking Dead asks who the Norsemen really were, what the truth was about the raids and battles, and what every-day life in a Viking settlement entailed.
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