Du pain sur la planche
Du pain sur la planche
Du pain sur la planche
2 temporadas2022En producción
Food, Documental
Footballer, doctor, philanthropist, Laurent Duvernay-Tardif no longer needs an introduction! With the documentary series Du pain sur la planche, we accompany this sportsman among the most beloved in Quebec in his new mission: to take over the bakery founded by his parents. How will he manage to keep the balance by adding this new project to an already busy schedule?
Footballer, doctor, philanthropist, Laurent Duvernay-Tardif no longer needs an introduction! With the documentary series Du pain sur la planche, we accompany this sportsman among the most beloved in Quebec in his new mission: to take over the bakery founded by his parents. How will he manage to keep the balance by adding this new project to an already busy schedule?
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