Engie Benjy
Engie Benjy
Engie Benjy
4 temporadas2002Finalizado
Infantil, Animación
Engie Benjy is a mechanical whizz-kid who "makes things better". As the title song says, if you're an astronaut or a pilot, bus driver, farmer, fisherman or motorbike rider, he can make your engine go. Which is a very useful skill to have, when your good friends include Astronaut Al and Spaceship, Pilot Pete and Plane, Driver Dottie and Bus, Farmer Fred and Tractor, Fisherman Fin and Boat, and Messenger Mo and Bike.
Engie Benjy is a mechanical whizz-kid who "makes things better". As the title song says, if you're an astronaut or a pilot, bus driver, farmer, fisherman or motorbike rider, he can make your engine go. Which is a very useful skill to have, when your good friends include Astronaut Al and Spaceship, Pilot Pete and Plane, Driver Dottie and Bus, Farmer Fred and Tractor, Fisherman Fin and Boat, and Messenger Mo and Bike.
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