The Boy Merlin
The Boy Merlin
The Boy Merlin
1 stagione1979Conclusa
Fantasy, Drammatico, Bambini
This enchanting children's drama series, devised by Anne Carlton and written by Stewart Farrar, develops the theme of the single play first shown in 1978 as part of Thames Television's acclaimed supernatural anthology series, Shadows. Set in Wales during the Dark Ages, the series tells the story of the young apprentice magician Merlin the grandson of King Conaan, fostered by the family of Dafydd Ismena. Merlin s father is unknown; some say he was a demon of the night. His foster-grandmother, Myfanwy, who also possesses magical powers, is the only one to realise that Merlin s destiny lies at the court of King Arthur, and it is she who schools him in magic and witchcraft. However, because of the circumstances surrounding his birth, Merlin is in constant danger from Vortigern, the Saxon High King, and his beautiful queen Rowena...
This enchanting children's drama series, devised by Anne Carlton and written by Stewart Farrar, develops the theme of the single play first shown in 1978 as part of Thames Television's acclaimed supernatural anthology series, Shadows. Set in Wales during the Dark Ages, the series tells the story of the young apprentice magician Merlin the grandson of King Conaan, fostered by the family of Dafydd Ismena. Merlin s father is unknown; some say he was a demon of the night. His foster-grandmother, Myfanwy, who also possesses magical powers, is the only one to realise that Merlin s destiny lies at the court of King Arthur, and it is she who schools him in magic and witchcraft. However, because of the circumstances surrounding his birth, Merlin is in constant danger from Vortigern, the Saxon High King, and his beautiful queen Rowena...
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