Live!Girls! present Dogtown
Live!Girls! present Dogtown
Live!Girls! present Dogtown
1 stagione2006Conclusa
A controlling optician meets a mild librarian to enact illicit fantasies as Oscar-winning movie stars and Olympic champions; a socially inept geography teacher dreams of becoming a Deputy Head; a pyromaniac dwarf psychic has set up a business in a bus stop; and, while romantic fiction books are systematically and mysteriously vandalised, one of the greatest love affairs the world has ever known begins to stir in the library.
A controlling optician meets a mild librarian to enact illicit fantasies as Oscar-winning movie stars and Olympic champions; a socially inept geography teacher dreams of becoming a Deputy Head; a pyromaniac dwarf psychic has set up a business in a bus stop; and, while romantic fiction books are systematically and mysteriously vandalised, one of the greatest love affairs the world has ever known begins to stir in the library.
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