Kid Notorious
Kid Notorious
Kid Notorious
1 stagione2003Conclusa
Commedia, Animazione
Kid Notorious follows the adventures of big-time Hollywood producer Robert Evans. Always along for the ride are his ever-faithful butler, English, his sassy housekeeper, Tollie Mae, and his kitty cat, Puss Puss. Occasionally, former Guns 'N Roses guitarist, Slash, joins them on their adventures. Robert Evans has as many ex-wives as he does hit movies. But his talents go beyond movie producing--whether it's scaling the mountains of Nepal or toppling an evil dictator, he does it all without spilling a drop of his ever-present cosmopolitan. Everything in the Kid's life is a production. English, Evan's butler, now finds himself pouring cosmopolitans in Hollywood's most notorious house of havoc after serving years in the most distinguished homes of British royalty. Never without his white gloves and m
Kid Notorious follows the adventures of big-time Hollywood producer Robert Evans. Always along for the ride are his ever-faithful butler, English, his sassy housekeeper, Tollie Mae, and his kitty cat, Puss Puss. Occasionally, former Guns 'N Roses guitarist, Slash, joins them on their adventures. Robert Evans has as many ex-wives as he does hit movies. But his talents go beyond movie producing--whether it's scaling the mountains of Nepal or toppling an evil dictator, he does it all without spilling a drop of his ever-present cosmopolitan. Everything in the Kid's life is a production. English, Evan's butler, now finds himself pouring cosmopolitans in Hollywood's most notorious house of havoc after serving years in the most distinguished homes of British royalty. Never without his white gloves and m
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