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Comedy, Thriller
The story revolves around Chinna (Suriya), a village youth who receives sympathy because he is a hunchback and is lauded for selfless service to others. He covers up his handicap with humor. Unmindful of his looks, Chinna goes around looking for a suitable bride with the help of his friend Kuzhandhaisamy (Vivek (actor)). Brushing aside many insults hurled at him, he carries on.
The story revolves around Chinna (Suriya), a village youth who receives sympathy because he is a hunchback and is lauded for selfless service to others. He covers up his handicap with humor. Unmindful of his looks, Chinna goes around looking for a suitable bride with the help of his friend Kuzhandhaisamy (Vivek (actor)). Brushing aside many insults hurled at him, he carries on.
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