The Selfish Giant
The Selfish Giant
The Selfish Giant
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The film follows the lives of Arbor and Swifty, teenage boys growing up in a poor and run down area of Bradford, northern England. Arbor suffers from hyperactivity disorder, which often gets him into trouble even when it is not his intention. When the boys are suspended from school after a fight, they decide to earn money collecting and selling scrap metal. They quickly realize that stealing copper from telecom, railway, and power utilities can be lucrative.
The film follows the lives of Arbor and Swifty, teenage boys growing up in a poor and run down area of Bradford, northern England. Arbor suffers from hyperactivity disorder, which often gets him into trouble even when it is not his intention. When the boys are suspended from school after a fight, they decide to earn money collecting and selling scrap metal. They quickly realize that stealing copper from telecom, railway, and power utilities can be lucrative.
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