High Flying Romance
High Flying Romance
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High Flying Romance
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Drama, Romance
Hannah falls for more than teaching music when woodworker Gavin and his nine-year-old daughter, Parker, move back to town after his wife’s passing. With a shared interest in the upcoming kite festival, Hannah becomes smitten with Gavin. But with an ex-girlfriend, Katie, who makes it clear she no longer wants to be the ex, Hannah doesn’t know what Gavin’s true feelings are for her, or who he’ll choose to be with.
Hannah falls for more than teaching music when woodworker Gavin and his nine-year-old daughter, Parker, move back to town after his wife’s passing. With a shared interest in the upcoming kite festival, Hannah becomes smitten with Gavin. But with an ex-girlfriend, Katie, who makes it clear she no longer wants to be the ex, Hannah doesn’t know what Gavin’s true feelings are for her, or who he’ll choose to be with.
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