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Action, Comedy
In Tokyoko, a fictional city sporting various homages of Tatsunoko Production works, the Doronbo Gang have seemingly destroyed a large part of the city. The heroic Yatterman duo make their entrance with Yatterwoof (Yamadera, voice), a sentient dog-shaped mecha and Toybotty (Takahashi, voice), their robot sidekick. After a series of slapstick combat scenes, the Doronbo trio flee back to their mecha to defeat Yatterwan. Cheering at their first victory, the villains accidentally hit the mecha's self-destruct button. When the chaos clears, a teenage girl emerges from the ruins with a blue object in her hands.
In Tokyoko, a fictional city sporting various homages of Tatsunoko Production works, the Doronbo Gang have seemingly destroyed a large part of the city. The heroic Yatterman duo make their entrance with Yatterwoof (Yamadera, voice), a sentient dog-shaped mecha and Toybotty (Takahashi, voice), their robot sidekick. After a series of slapstick combat scenes, the Doronbo trio flee back to their mecha to defeat Yatterwan. Cheering at their first victory, the villains accidentally hit the mecha's self-destruct button. When the chaos clears, a teenage girl emerges from the ruins with a blue object in her hands.
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