Pretty Cure Dream Stars!
Pretty Cure Dream Stars!
Pretty Cure Dream Stars!
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Action, Animation, Anime, Children
Pretty Cure Dream Stars! (プリキュアドリームスターズ!, Pretty Cure Dream Stars!?) is the 9th Pretty Cure All Stars movie, and is the 22ndPretty Cure movie overall to be produced by Toei Animation. The movie was released in Japanese cinemas on March 18th, 2017. The characters from KiraKira☆Pretty Cure A La Mode, excluding Cure Parfait, make their movie debut.
Pretty Cure Dream Stars! (プリキュアドリームスターズ!, Pretty Cure Dream Stars!?) is the 9th Pretty Cure All Stars movie, and is the 22ndPretty Cure movie overall to be produced by Toei Animation. The movie was released in Japanese cinemas on March 18th, 2017. The characters from KiraKira☆Pretty Cure A La Mode, excluding Cure Parfait, make their movie debut.
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