Heavy Romance
Heavy Romance
Heavy Romance
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Drama, Comedy, Romance
Asli, the daughter of an art-related mother and a professor father, is studying at the conservatory. Asli's life takes a completely different turn when a purse-snatcher steals her bag while walking in Beyoglu. A man named Kerem, who witnessed the incident in the meantime, helps Asli, who is in great fear after the incident, finds the bag and hands it to Asli. Asli and Kerem, who met thanks to this unpleasant event, continue to meet and soon start a nice relationship. However, Kerem introduces himself to his beloved, who has different worlds, as a completely different person. Introducing himself as a finance expert, Kerem also hides the fact that his father is the head of Istanbul's biggest purse snatch gang. However, what happened causes their happiest days to turn into a day that will never go out of their minds.
Asli, the daughter of an art-related mother and a professor father, is studying at the conservatory. Asli's life takes a completely different turn when a purse-snatcher steals her bag while walking in Beyoglu. A man named Kerem, who witnessed the incident in the meantime, helps Asli, who is in great fear after the incident, finds the bag and hands it to Asli. Asli and Kerem, who met thanks to this unpleasant event, continue to meet and soon start a nice relationship. However, Kerem introduces himself to his beloved, who has different worlds, as a completely different person. Introducing himself as a finance expert, Kerem also hides the fact that his father is the head of Istanbul's biggest purse snatch gang. However, what happened causes their happiest days to turn into a day that will never go out of their minds.
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