Shigurui: Death Frenzy
1 season • 2007 • Ended
Drama, Animation, Action, Thriller, Anime
The story begins in 1629 Kanagawa during Tokugawa Tadanaga's rule. The daimyo staged a tournament where the participants fought with traditional weapons rather than bokken ("wooden sword"). The story revolves around the first match between the one-armed swordsman Fujiki Gennosuke and the blind samurai Irako Seigen and deals with the circumstances that led the two to participate in Tokugawa's tournament.
The story begins in 1629 Kanagawa during Tokugawa Tadanaga's rule. The daimyo staged a tournament where the participants fought with traditional weapons rather than bokken ("wooden sword"). The story revolves around the first match between the one-armed swordsman Fujiki Gennosuke and the blind samurai Irako Seigen and deals with the circumstances that led the two to participate in Tokugawa's tournament.