3 seasons1981Ended
Time Bokan (タイムボカン Taimubokan?) is a Japanese anime series first aired on Fuji TV from October 4, 1975. It was produced by Tatsunoko Productions, who later produced eight spin off programs as part of the "Time Bokan Series" and three modern shows. The series promoted the idea of heroes helping others and stoping the planes of three people who were being led by a "King of Evil" (idea later used in Pokemon for Team Rocket).
Time Bokan (タイムボカン Taimubokan?) is a Japanese anime series first aired on Fuji TV from October 4, 1975. It was produced by Tatsunoko Productions, who later produced eight spin off programs as part of the "Time Bokan Series" and three modern shows. The series promoted the idea of heroes helping others and stoping the planes of three people who were being led by a "King of Evil" (idea later used in Pokemon for Team Rocket).
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