3 seasons2011Ended
Drama, Comedy, Animation, Anime
For her first year of high school, Fu Sawatari moves to Takehara, a scenic old town near Hiroshima, on the Inland Sea. Her father, who has passed away, grew up in Takehara. She loves taking photographs with his old film camera, a Rollei 35S. The story follows her and the friends who gather around her as she comes to love her new home.
For her first year of high school, Fu Sawatari moves to Takehara, a scenic old town near Hiroshima, on the Inland Sea. Her father, who has passed away, grew up in Takehara. She loves taking photographs with his old film camera, a Rollei 35S. The story follows her and the friends who gather around her as she comes to love her new home.
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