Rayman: The Animated Series
Rayman: The Animated Series
Rayman: The Animated Series
1 season1999Ended
Family, Children, Animation, Adventure, Action
The evil circus owner Rigatoni has enslaved Rayman and his friends, forcing them to work in his traveling circus! Rayman decides they must break free. They soon escape from the villainous circus, only to be chased by Inspector Grub, who is intent on capturing the "fugitives." Will Rayman and his friends ever find freedom?
The evil circus owner Rigatoni has enslaved Rayman and his friends, forcing them to work in his traveling circus! Rayman decides they must break free. They soon escape from the villainous circus, only to be chased by Inspector Grub, who is intent on capturing the "fugitives." Will Rayman and his friends ever find freedom?
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