The adventures of Hijitus
The adventures of Hijitus
The adventures of Hijitus
5 seasons1967Ended
Family, Comedy, Children, Animation, Adventure
The Adventures of Hijitus is a series of Argentine cartoon, created in 1967 by the Spanish-Argentine cartoonist and entertainer Manuel García Ferré. It was the first series of Argentine animation destined to the television market, and has been considered the greatest success in the history of the cartoon of the country. The series was broadcast for the first time on August 7, 1967, by Channel 13 of Buenos Aires, in the form of daily microprogram of 1 minute, which was repeated throughout the day at different times, later arriving at the cinema in full-length format. The series is carried out by Hijitus, a street child who lives in a sanitary sewer in the city of Trulalá that is devastated by the actions of Professor Neurus. To defend Trulala and in particular his friends (Oaky, Pichichus and also Beanpole, although with contradictions), Hijitus becomes Super Hijitus, a superhero with great strength, capable of flying. Originally it had been canceled in 1972, but a few new episodes were re-produced in the 1990s with great success, and in 2010 it was repeated again until December 31, 2014, with high ratings.
The Adventures of Hijitus is a series of Argentine cartoon, created in 1967 by the Spanish-Argentine cartoonist and entertainer Manuel García Ferré. It was the first series of Argentine animation destined to the television market, and has been considered the greatest success in the history of the cartoon of the country. The series was broadcast for the first time on August 7, 1967, by Channel 13 of Buenos Aires, in the form of daily microprogram of 1 minute, which was repeated throughout the day at different times, later arriving at the cinema in full-length format. The series is carried out by Hijitus, a street child who lives in a sanitary sewer in the city of Trulalá that is devastated by the actions of Professor Neurus. To defend Trulala and in particular his friends (Oaky, Pichichus and also Beanpole, although with contradictions), Hijitus becomes Super Hijitus, a superhero with great strength, capable of flying. Originally it had been canceled in 1972, but a few new episodes were re-produced in the 1990s with great success, and in 2010 it was repeated again until December 31, 2014, with high ratings.
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