Kangoo juniors
2 seasons • 2002 • Ended
Children, Animation
This series presents the adventures of five young kangaroos, called the Kangoo, in an island school called School Island, located in the Grand West archipelago. There are six islands in the archipelago: The Grand West, Mysialand, School Island, Devil's Island, Sierra Kangoo and Danger City. The Kangoo Juniors (Napo, Nelson, Archie, Kevin and Junior) excel as basketball players with Napo leading the way. Their worst enemies are the Gang of Five and they all study at the small school on School Island.
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This series presents the adventures of five young kangaroos, called the Kangoo, in an island school called School Island, located in the Grand West archipelago. There are six islands in the archipelago: The Grand West, Mysialand, School Island, Devil's Island, Sierra Kangoo and Danger City. The Kangoo Juniors (Napo, Nelson, Archie, Kevin and Junior) excel as basketball players with Napo leading the way. Their worst enemies are the Gang of Five and they all study at the small school on School Island.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)