Space Patrol Luluco
Space Patrol Luluco
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Space Patrol Luluco
1 season2016Ended
Science Fiction, Fantasy, Comedy, Animation, Anime
Luluco, a thirteen-year-old middle school girl, lives in the Space Immigration Zone, in the former Tokyo district Ogikubo, together with her father, Keiji, who works for the zone's Space Patrol division. Despite being a part of this wondrous district, full of alien immigrants, Luluco would rather live the life of a normal schoolgirl. When her father is accidentally frozen by alien contraband, Luluco is forced to request help from her father's Space Patrol division. Surprisingly, Luluco is appointed a member of the Space Patrol by the division chief, Over Justice Honbuchou, in order to pay the fees required to revive her father. From then on, Luluco's previously normal life drastically changes as she is sent on daily missions to protect Ogikubo from space criminals. On these missions she bands together with her assigned trigger-happy partner and alien exchange student Alpha-Omega Nova, as well as their formerly criminal mutual classmate Midori.
Luluco, a thirteen-year-old middle school girl, lives in the Space Immigration Zone, in the former Tokyo district Ogikubo, together with her father, Keiji, who works for the zone's Space Patrol division. Despite being a part of this wondrous district, full of alien immigrants, Luluco would rather live the life of a normal schoolgirl. When her father is accidentally frozen by alien contraband, Luluco is forced to request help from her father's Space Patrol division. Surprisingly, Luluco is appointed a member of the Space Patrol by the division chief, Over Justice Honbuchou, in order to pay the fees required to revive her father. From then on, Luluco's previously normal life drastically changes as she is sent on daily missions to protect Ogikubo from space criminals. On these missions she bands together with her assigned trigger-happy partner and alien exchange student Alpha-Omega Nova, as well as their formerly criminal mutual classmate Midori.
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