The Dogfather
The Dogfather
The Dogfather
1 season1974Ended
Family, Comedy, Animation
"The Dogfather" was an animated series produced by DePatie-Freleng Enterprises between 1974 and 1976 that parodied "The Godfather," but with canines as part of the Italian organized crime syndicate. It consists of the Dogfather (voiced by Bob Holt impersonating Marlon Brando) and his henchmen Pug and Louie (both voiced by Daws Butler).
"The Dogfather" was an animated series produced by DePatie-Freleng Enterprises between 1974 and 1976 that parodied "The Godfather," but with canines as part of the Italian organized crime syndicate. It consists of the Dogfather (voiced by Bob Holt impersonating Marlon Brando) and his henchmen Pug and Louie (both voiced by Daws Butler).
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