My Wife's Double Life
My Wife's Double Life
My Wife's Double Life
1 season2024Ended
Drama, Romance
The legendary thief Liu Rong was rescued by Lord Su from the great floods in the South thirteen years ago. In order to repay him, Liu Rong pretends to be his daughter Su Jinzhen and marries Xu Muchen. Under Lord Su's instructions, she must infiltrate the Xu manor in order to find a jade pendant. From the start, neither spouse gave any thought for their sham of a marriage. On the surface, Liu Rong is a gentle and considerate wife. By night, she is a notorious bandit. The inspector Xu Muchen and the thief have been caught in repeated confrontations. Without knowing that the thief he's been trying to catch is his wife, Xu Muchen returns from his troublesome run ins with the thief only to find more trouble waiting for him at home. Thereafter, the day-to-day interactions between an official and a thief leads to a sweet romance.
The legendary thief Liu Rong was rescued by Lord Su from the great floods in the South thirteen years ago. In order to repay him, Liu Rong pretends to be his daughter Su Jinzhen and marries Xu Muchen. Under Lord Su's instructions, she must infiltrate the Xu manor in order to find a jade pendant. From the start, neither spouse gave any thought for their sham of a marriage. On the surface, Liu Rong is a gentle and considerate wife. By night, she is a notorious bandit. The inspector Xu Muchen and the thief have been caught in repeated confrontations. Without knowing that the thief he's been trying to catch is his wife, Xu Muchen returns from his troublesome run ins with the thief only to find more trouble waiting for him at home. Thereafter, the day-to-day interactions between an official and a thief leads to a sweet romance.
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