Science Ninja Team Gatchaman
Science Ninja Team Gatchaman
Science Ninja Team Gatchaman
3 seasons1972Ended
Science Fiction, Fantasy, Drama, Animation, Adventure
In the future, earth is attacked by Galactor with a series of mechanical menaces. Each with their own vehicle and unique weapons, only Gatchaman's high tech group of five young people can defend the earth from Galactor's repeated attacks as they attempt of fulfill their mission to find Galactor's hidden headquarters and finally defeat Galactor. Gatchaman originated the concept of teams of 5 members, with their own vehicles, which has been reused in many incarnations, including the ranger series (which came over to the US as Power Rangers). Gatchman spawned two sequel series: Gatchaman II and Gatchaman Fighter. Gatchaman was brought to US audiences in a heavily edited form known as Battle of the Planets Battle of the Planets and later as G-Force. The information for all the episode synopses was generously contributed by Veronika Henkels. Please visit her web page. Veronika's Gatchaman Page
In the future, earth is attacked by Galactor with a series of mechanical menaces. Each with their own vehicle and unique weapons, only Gatchaman's high tech group of five young people can defend the earth from Galactor's repeated attacks as they attempt of fulfill their mission to find Galactor's hidden headquarters and finally defeat Galactor. Gatchaman originated the concept of teams of 5 members, with their own vehicles, which has been reused in many incarnations, including the ranger series (which came over to the US as Power Rangers). Gatchman spawned two sequel series: Gatchaman II and Gatchaman Fighter. Gatchaman was brought to US audiences in a heavily edited form known as Battle of the Planets Battle of the Planets and later as G-Force. The information for all the episode synopses was generously contributed by Veronika Henkels. Please visit her web page. Veronika's Gatchaman Page
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