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MIT Physics
3 seasons • Ended
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S01 | E01
Powers of Ten - Units - Dimensions - Measurements - Uncertainties - Dimensional Analysis - Scaling Arguments
S01 | E02
1D Kinematics - Speed - Velocity - Acceleration
S01 | E03
Vectors - Dot Products - Cross Products - 3D Kinematics
S01 | E04
3D Kinematics - Free Falling Reference Frames
S01 | E05
Circular Motion - Centrifuges Moving - Reference Frames - Perceived Gravity
S01 | E06
Newton's Laws
S01 | E07
Weight - Perceived Gravity - Weightlessness Free Fall - Zero Gravity in Orbit (misnomer)
S01 | E08
S01 | E09
Exam Review
S01 | E10
Hooke's Law - Springs - Simple Harmonic Motion - Pendulum - Small Angle Approximation
S01 | E11
Work - Kinetic Energy - Potential Energy - Conservative Forces - Conservation of Mechanical Energy - Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation
S01 | E12
Non-Conservative Forces - Resistive Forces - Air Drag - Terminal Velocity
S01 | E13
Potential Energy - Energy Considerations to Derive Simple Harmonic Motion
S01 | E14
Escape Velocities - Bound and Unbound Orbits - Circular Orbits - Various Forms of Energy - Power
S01 | E15
Momentum - Conservation of Momentum - Center of Mass
S01 | E16
Collisions - Elastic and Inelastic - Center of Mass Frame of Reference
S01 | E17
Impulse - Rockets
S01 | E18
Exam Review
S01 | E19
Rotating Rigid Bodies - Moment of Inertia - Parallel Axis and Perpendicular Axis Theorem - Rotational Kinetic Energy - Fly Wheels - Neutron Stars - Pulsars
S01 | E20
Angular Momentum - Torques - Conservation of Angular Momentum - Spinning Neutron Stars - Stellar Collapse
S01 | E21
Torques - Oscillating Bodies - Hoops
S01 | E22
Kepler's Laws - Elliptical Orbits - Satellites - Change of Orbits - Ham Sandwich
S01 | E23
Doppler Effect - Binary Stars - Neutron Stars and Black Holes
S01 | E24
Rolling Motion - Gyroscopes - VERY NON-INTUITIVE
S01 | E25
Static Equilibrium - Stability - Rope Walker
S01 | E26
Elasticity - Young's Modulus
S01 | E27
Fluid Mechanics - Pascal's Principle - Hydrostatics - Atmospheric Pressure - Over Pressure in Lungs and Tires
S01 | E28
Hydrostatics - Archimedes' Principle - Fluid Dynamics - What Makes Your Boat Float? - Bernoulli's Equation
S01 | E29
Exam Review
S01 | E30
Simple Harmonic Oscillations - Energy Considerations - Torsional Pendulum
S01 | E31
Forced Oscillations - Normal Modes - Resonance - Natural Frequencies - Musical Instruments
S01 | E32
Heat - Thermal Expansion
S01 | E33
Kinetic Gas Theory - Ideal Gas Law - Isothermal Atmosphere - Phase Diagrams - Phase Transitions
S01 | E34
The Wonderful Quantum World - Breakdown of Classical Mechanics
S01 | E35
Farewell Special - High-energy Astrophysics
S01 | E99
Course Introduction
S02 | E01
What holds our world together? Electric Charges (Historical), Polarization, Electric Force, Coulomb's Law
S02 | E02
Electric Field, Field Lines, Superposition, Inductive Charging, Dipoles, Induced Dipoles
S02 | E03
Electric Flux, Gauss's Law, Examples
S02 | E04
Electrostatic Potential, Electric Energy, eV, Conservative Field, Equipotential Surfaces
S02 | E05
E = -grad V, More on Equipotential Surfaces, Conductors, Electrostatic Shielding (Faraday Cage)
S02 | E06
High-Voltage Breakdown, Lightning, Sparks - St Elmo's Fire
S02 | E07
Capacitance, Field Energy
S02 | E08
Polarization, Dielectrics, The Van de Graaff, More on Capacitors
S02 | E09
Currents, Resistivity, Ohm's Law
S02 | E10
Batteries, EMF, Energy Conservation, Power, Kirchhoff's Rules, Circuits, Kelvin Water Dropper
S02 | E11
Magnetic Field, Lorentz Force, Torques, Electric Motors (DC), Oscilloscope
S02 | E12
Review Exam 1 (Secret Top!)
S02 | E13
Moving Charges in B-fields, Cyclotron, Synchrotron, Mass Spectrometer, Cloud Chamber
S02 | E14
Biot-Savart Law, Gauss' Law for Magnetic Fields, Revisit the "Leyden Jar", High-Voltage Power Lines
S02 | E15
Ampere's Law, Solenoids, Revisit the Kelvin Water Dropper, Midterm Evaluation
S02 | E16
Electromagnetic Induction, Faraday's Law, Lenz Law, Complete Breakdown of Intuition, Non-Conservative Fields
S02 | E17
Motional EMF, Dynamos, Eddy Currents, Magnetic Braking
S02 | E18
Displacement Current (Difficult Concept), Synchronous Motors, Induction Motors, Secret Top, How does it work?
S02 | E19
How do magicians levitate women? Electric Shock Treatment, Electrocardiogram, Pacemakers, Superconductivity, Levitating Bullet Trains, Aurora Borealis
S02 | E20
Inductance, RL Circuits, Magnetic Field Energy
S02 | E21
Magnetic Materials, Dia-, Para-, and Ferromagnetism, Prize Ceremony of Motor Contest
S02 | E22
Hysteresis, Electromagnets, Bohr Magneton, Maxwell's Equations
S02 | E23
Review Exam 2
S02 | E24
Transformers, Car Coils, RC Circuits
S02 | E25
Driven LRC Circuits, Resonance, Metal Detectors (Beach/Airport)
S02 | E26
Traveling Waves, Standing Waves, Musical Instruments
S02 | E27
Resonance, Destructive Resonance, Electromagnetic Waves, Speed of Light, Radio, TV, Distance Determinations using Radar and Lasers
S02 | E28
Index of Refraction, Poynting Vector, Oscillating Charges, Radiation Pressure, Comet Tails, Polarization (Linear, Elliptical, and Circular)
S02 | E29
Snell's Law, Refraction, Total Reflection, Dispersion, Prisms, Huygen's Principle, The Illusion of Color, The Weird Benham Top, Land's Famous Demo
S02 | E30
Polarizers, Malus's Law, Brewster Angle, Polarization by Reflection and Scattering, Why is the sky blue, Why are sunsets red?
S02 | E31
Rainbows, Fog Bows, Supernumerary Bows, Polarization of the Bows, Haloes around the Sun and Moon, Coronae, Glories, Mock Suns (Sun Dogs)
S02 | E32
Review Exam 3
S02 | E33
Double-Slit Interference, Interferometers
S02 | E34
Gratings, Resolving Power, Single-Slit Diffraction, Angular Resolution, Human Eye - Telescopes
S02 | E35
Doppler Effect, The Big Bang, Cosmology
S02 | E36
Farewell Special
S03 | E01
Periodic Phenomena (Oscillations, Waves) - SHO - Complex Notation - Differential Equations - Physical Pendulum
S03 | E02
Beats - Damped Free Oscillations (Under- Over- and Critically Damped) - Quality Q
S03 | E03
Forced Oscillations with Damping
S03 | E04
Forced Oscillations - Power at Resonance (Resonance Absorption, Resonance Width, Quality Q) - Transient Phenomena (General Solutions including Initial Conditions)
S03 | E05
Coupled Oscillators
S03 | E06
Driven Coupled Oscillators - Triple Pendulum - Steady State and Transient Solutions - Cramer's Rule
S03 | E07
Many Coupled Oscillators - Wave Equation - Transverse Traveling Pulses and Waves
S03 | E08
Traveling Waves - Boundary Conditions - Standing Waves - Sound (Longitudinal Waves) - Energy in Waves
S03 | E09
Musical Instruments - Sound Cavities - Normal Modes
S03 | E10
Exam 1 Review
S03 | E11
Fourier Analysis - Time Evolution of Pulses on Strings
S03 | E12
Dispersion - Phase Velocity - Group Velocity
S03 | E13
Dispersion - Phase Velocity - Group Velocity
S03 | E14
Accelerated Charges - Poynting Vector - Power - Rayleigh Scattering - Polarization
S03 | E15
Doppler Effect - Sound - EM Radiation - Binary Stars - Neutron Stars and Black Holes - Expanding Universe
S03 | E16
Boundary Conditions at Perfect Conductors - Reflection - Standing EM Waves - Transmission Lines - Radiation Pressure
S03 | E17
Wave Guides - Resonance Cavities of EM-radiation and Sound
S03 | E18
Boundary Conditions for Dielectrics - Index of Refraction - Snell's Law - Total Internal Reflection - Fresnel Equations - Brewster Angle
S03 | E19
Exam 2 Review
S03 | E20
Huygens' Principle - Interference - Thin films - Soap - Oil - Light (double slit interference)
S03 | E21
Diffraction - Gratings - Pin Holes - Angular Resolution
S03 | E22
Rainbows - Haloes - Coronae - Glories
S03 | E23
Farewell Special - Bring a Friend!
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