Mocro Maffia: Komtgoed
Mocro Maffia: Komtgoed
Mocro Maffia: Komtgoed
1 sezon2021Sona Erenler
Suç, Aksiyon
After a failed rescue attempt by Muis, the problems of 15-year-old Komtgoed grow rapidly. A row in the street escalates and he ends up in the clutches of the justice system. Juvenile detention and a foster family follow. As his problems grow, there seems to be only one way to make something out of his life.
After a failed rescue attempt by Muis, the problems of 15-year-old Komtgoed grow rapidly. A row in the street escalates and he ends up in the clutches of the justice system. Juvenile detention and a foster family follow. As his problems grow, there seems to be only one way to make something out of his life.
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