Sons of Thunder (1999)
1 season • 1999 • Ended
Drama, Crime, Adventure, Action, Thriller
This series follows the adventures of private investigator Trent Malloy, a former special forces operative and protege of Ranger Cordell Walker, and Carlos Sandoval, a police detective, who join forces to battle criminals in Dallas. With Malloy's karate skills and Sandoval's police training expertise, the two men, with a little help from their friend Butch McMann, an ex-prize fighter, stop at nothing to ensure that justice is served.
This series follows the adventures of private investigator Trent Malloy, a former special forces operative and protege of Ranger Cordell Walker, and Carlos Sandoval, a police detective, who join forces to battle criminals in Dallas. With Malloy's karate skills and Sandoval's police training expertise, the two men, with a little help from their friend Butch McMann, an ex-prize fighter, stop at nothing to ensure that justice is served.