A Tale of Two Cities (1989)
A Tale of Two Cities (1989)
A Tale of Two Cities (1989)
1 temporada1989Finalizado
Drama, Romance, Histórico, Bélica
Suspicion and espionage swirl amid look-alike suitors, unrequited love and the clash of the French Revolution in this Masterpiece Theatre adaptation of Charles Dickens's classic novel A Tale of Two Cities. When Charles Darnay (Xavier Deluc) is accused of spying, he's unexpectedly freed by a stranger (James Wilby) who could be his twin. But in addition to their looks, the men share something else: their love for a beautiful woman (Serena Gordon).
Suspicion and espionage swirl amid look-alike suitors, unrequited love and the clash of the French Revolution in this Masterpiece Theatre adaptation of Charles Dickens's classic novel A Tale of Two Cities. When Charles Darnay (Xavier Deluc) is accused of spying, he's unexpectedly freed by a stranger (James Wilby) who could be his twin. But in addition to their looks, the men share something else: their love for a beautiful woman (Serena Gordon).
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