Duel en ville
Duel en ville
Duel en ville
1 temporada2009Finalizado
Drama, Thriller
One evening in October, the deputy mayor of a large provincial town accidentally kills his mistress. To protect him, his driver disguises this death as suicide. And what was an accident becomes a crime, soon followed by further murders. In front of them, a policeman, broken by life, persists against all, to bring out the truth. This city is his last chance, this investigation has become his reason for living.
One evening in October, the deputy mayor of a large provincial town accidentally kills his mistress. To protect him, his driver disguises this death as suicide. And what was an accident becomes a crime, soon followed by further murders. In front of them, a policeman, broken by life, persists against all, to bring out the truth. This city is his last chance, this investigation has become his reason for living.
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