Footy Pups
Footy Pups
Footy Pups
2 temporadas2015Finalizado
Infantil, Animación, Deporte
Rachel Yankey, one of England’s most capped footballers, joins forces with the best-known voice in football, John Motson, and some energetic young helpers for Footy Pups. Focusing on the nation’s favourite game – football – Rachel and the five animated Footy Pups encourage a new generation of sport’s stars, putting the fun back into kids’ football and celebrating a game that’s all about passing, thinking, developing skills and playing as a team. In each episode, a group of children learn a new skill from Rachel, then follow the pups on a animated adventure where they put their new-found skill into practice, competing in an animal league against rival teams including hippos, ducks and cheetahs.
Rachel Yankey, one of England’s most capped footballers, joins forces with the best-known voice in football, John Motson, and some energetic young helpers for Footy Pups. Focusing on the nation’s favourite game – football – Rachel and the five animated Footy Pups encourage a new generation of sport’s stars, putting the fun back into kids’ football and celebrating a game that’s all about passing, thinking, developing skills and playing as a team. In each episode, a group of children learn a new skill from Rachel, then follow the pups on a animated adventure where they put their new-found skill into practice, competing in an animal league against rival teams including hippos, ducks and cheetahs.
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