The Qpiz
The Qpiz
The Qpiz
1 temporada2010Finalizado
Comedia, Infantil, Animación
The series tells in an ironic way the adventures of three phantom superheroines of love, Hearty, Liebe and Lovelyn, who arrived from an unknown planet to spread feelings and romance on earth. The three protagonists constantly try to help their friends solve problems in terms of love and friendship, but often they themselves end up taking unspeakable crushes and their adventures are resolved in legendary fools. During the "missions" their motto is "This is Qpiz stuff!"
The series tells in an ironic way the adventures of three phantom superheroines of love, Hearty, Liebe and Lovelyn, who arrived from an unknown planet to spread feelings and romance on earth. The three protagonists constantly try to help their friends solve problems in terms of love and friendship, but often they themselves end up taking unspeakable crushes and their adventures are resolved in legendary fools. During the "missions" their motto is "This is Qpiz stuff!"
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