So Haunt Me
So Haunt Me
So Haunt Me
3 temporadas1992Finalizado
Fantasía, Comedia
This is a story of Yetta Feldman, a ghost no less. who haunts a detached house in Meadow Road, scaring off anyone who tries to move in. That is until she meets the Rokeby's, a typical family who decide to help Yetta out.. This is one of Britain's long forgotten, but popular at the time, sitcoms. Like Yetta herself it seems to rest in peace, but maybe, in this day of popular ghost related programmes like Most Haunted and movies like White Noise, So Haunt Me is long overdue for a revival!
This is a story of Yetta Feldman, a ghost no less. who haunts a detached house in Meadow Road, scaring off anyone who tries to move in. That is until she meets the Rokeby's, a typical family who decide to help Yetta out.. This is one of Britain's long forgotten, but popular at the time, sitcoms. Like Yetta herself it seems to rest in peace, but maybe, in this day of popular ghost related programmes like Most Haunted and movies like White Noise, So Haunt Me is long overdue for a revival!
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