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The story revolves around Johnny (Murali (Malayalam actor)) and Annie (Madhavi (actress)), a married couple who had both grown up together in an orphanage, fallen in love and had got married. The couple have four children; the eldest being a teenage girl named Meenu, twin boys Rony and Tony, and the youngest Monu, a toddler. Rony and Tony are about 8 years old and are very close to each other. Rony is physically handicapped. Johnny is a jeep driver by profession and Annie a violin teacher. Though the family struggles to live and make ends meet, they lead a happy life together, except for the moments when Johnny, a recurrent alcoholic spends most of his daily earnings at the local toddy shop shop. During an altercation between Johnny and the local milk delivery man Keshavan (N. F. Varghese), the latter is humiliated in front of his family. Keshavan therefore decides to take revenge on Johnny.
The story revolves around Johnny (Murali (Malayalam actor)) and Annie (Madhavi (actress)), a married couple who had both grown up together in an orphanage, fallen in love and had got married. The couple have four children; the eldest being a teenage girl named Meenu, twin boys Rony and Tony, and the youngest Monu, a toddler. Rony and Tony are about 8 years old and are very close to each other. Rony is physically handicapped. Johnny is a jeep driver by profession and Annie a violin teacher. Though the family struggles to live and make ends meet, they lead a happy life together, except for the moments when Johnny, a recurrent alcoholic spends most of his daily earnings at the local toddy shop shop. During an altercation between Johnny and the local milk delivery man Keshavan (N. F. Varghese), the latter is humiliated in front of his family. Keshavan therefore decides to take revenge on Johnny.
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