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WWE WrestleMania 9
Action, Drama, Sport
WWF Title: Bret Hart vs. Yokozuna, WWF Title (bonus match): Yokozuna vs. Hulk Hogan, WWF Tag Team Titles: Money Inc. Vs. The MegaManiacs, WWF Intercontinental Title: Shawn Michaels vs. Tatanka, The Undertaker vs. Giant Gonzales, The Steiner Brothers vs. The Headshrinkers, Doink the Clown vs. Crush, Bob Backlund vs. Razor Ramon —Anonymous
WWF Title: Bret Hart vs. Yokozuna, WWF Title (bonus match): Yokozuna vs. Hulk Hogan, WWF Tag Team Titles: Money Inc. Vs. The MegaManiacs, WWF Intercontinental Title: Shawn Michaels vs. Tatanka, The Undertaker vs. Giant Gonzales, The Steiner Brothers vs. The Headshrinkers, Doink the Clown vs. Crush, Bob Backlund vs. Razor Ramon —Anonymous
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