My Transsexual Summer
My Transsexual Summer
My Transsexual Summer
1 season2011Ended
Channel 4 follows seven transgender men and women as they come together to share their intimate and ongoing experiences of changing gender. These seven bright, funny and articulate individuals give uniquely personal insights into what it's like to change gender in Britain in 2011. Each of the seven is trying to live in a society that routinely misunderstands them, regularly mocks them, and all too frequently assaults them, just because they are different. For five weekends over the summer, this group come to a retreat where they can support each other, understand each other, and guide one another through the next critical stages of their journey to becoming the men and women they have always wanted to be.
Channel 4 follows seven transgender men and women as they come together to share their intimate and ongoing experiences of changing gender. These seven bright, funny and articulate individuals give uniquely personal insights into what it's like to change gender in Britain in 2011. Each of the seven is trying to live in a society that routinely misunderstands them, regularly mocks them, and all too frequently assaults them, just because they are different. For five weekends over the summer, this group come to a retreat where they can support each other, understand each other, and guide one another through the next critical stages of their journey to becoming the men and women they have always wanted to be.
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