The Masked Beauty Patrine
1 season • 1990 • Ended
Science Fiction, Fantasy, Family, Drama, Comedy
Bishoujo Kamen Poitrine is a magical girl tokusatsu comedy series created by Shotaro Ishinomori, the 11th installment of the Toei Fushigi Comedy Series, and the only entry where the main protagonist is recognized as an official Toei superhero. The series ran from January 7, 1990 to December 30, 1990 for a total of 51 episodes.
Bishoujo Kamen Poitrine is a magical girl tokusatsu comedy series created by Shotaro Ishinomori, the 11th installment of the Toei Fushigi Comedy Series, and the only entry where the main protagonist is recognized as an official Toei superhero. The series ran from January 7, 1990 to December 30, 1990 for a total of 51 episodes.