1 season2021Ended
After tells the story of a tragic event that suddenly arises in Lac Sabin, a small town in the Laurentians. The story begins within seconds of the fatal event and depicts the physical, psychological and social consequences of this tragedy that no one could have foreseen or avoided. Nothing will be the same in the quiet municipality anymore. It is fear, mourning, incomprehension. There are the victims, the survivors and all those around them who are trying to understand the irreparable.
After tells the story of a tragic event that suddenly arises in Lac Sabin, a small town in the Laurentians. The story begins within seconds of the fatal event and depicts the physical, psychological and social consequences of this tragedy that no one could have foreseen or avoided. Nothing will be the same in the quiet municipality anymore. It is fear, mourning, incomprehension. There are the victims, the survivors and all those around them who are trying to understand the irreparable.
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