Beginning at 40
Beginning at 40
Beginning at 40
1 season2022Ended
Drama, Romance
Watanuki Shinobu is a manga artist for the past 20 years. Despite being married and having a son, Shinobu lives her life unsatisfactorily. When Shinobu was about to give up her dreams and work, her past works became popular on ebooks and she decides to create a new work and recruit an assistant. A 22 year old young man named Tachibana Chiaki applied to be an assistant and Shinobu gradually finds her life moving forward again after a long time.
Watanuki Shinobu is a manga artist for the past 20 years. Despite being married and having a son, Shinobu lives her life unsatisfactorily. When Shinobu was about to give up her dreams and work, her past works became popular on ebooks and she decides to create a new work and recruit an assistant. A 22 year old young man named Tachibana Chiaki applied to be an assistant and Shinobu gradually finds her life moving forward again after a long time.