The Young Marrieds
The Young Marrieds
The Young Marrieds
1 season1965Ended
"The Young Marrieds" centered around the difficulties in the lives of several newly-married couples. There were Walter and Ann Reynolds (Walter was having an affair with model Carol West); Liz and Matt Stevens (Liz's mother, Irene, interfered in their lives whenever possible); and Susan and Dan Garrett, who were desperately trying to regain custody of Susan's child, Jerry Karr, away from Lena and Roy Gilroy.
"The Young Marrieds" centered around the difficulties in the lives of several newly-married couples. There were Walter and Ann Reynolds (Walter was having an affair with model Carol West); Liz and Matt Stevens (Liz's mother, Irene, interfered in their lives whenever possible); and Susan and Dan Garrett, who were desperately trying to regain custody of Susan's child, Jerry Karr, away from Lena and Roy Gilroy.