1 season1999Ended
Science Fiction, Animation, Adventure, Action
In 2040, the continuous pollution and the mysterious series of earthquakes left the city of Tokyo in ruins. A young man named Ken Ando is in training to become a member of DC, an army-like organization designed to investigate and protect the collapsing environment. Ken, with the support from his sick sister, Sayuri, gives his best to become a part of the elite group that the young longs for, but he receives the devastating news of being cut from the team because of his poor performances in the evaluation sessions. Then, an ominous monster suddenly appears from the sky with a blinding flash and starts mowing down DC's working robots with mysterious invisible forces. Ken, eager to show what he is truly made of, gets into one of the working robots and imprudently engages in a battle with the monster.
In 2040, the continuous pollution and the mysterious series of earthquakes left the city of Tokyo in ruins. A young man named Ken Ando is in training to become a member of DC, an army-like organization designed to investigate and protect the collapsing environment. Ken, with the support from his sick sister, Sayuri, gives his best to become a part of the elite group that the young longs for, but he receives the devastating news of being cut from the team because of his poor performances in the evaluation sessions. Then, an ominous monster suddenly appears from the sky with a blinding flash and starts mowing down DC's working robots with mysterious invisible forces. Ken, eager to show what he is truly made of, gets into one of the working robots and imprudently engages in a battle with the monster.