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Flashy young bowler Roy Munson wins the 1979 Iowa state bowling championship and leaves home to turn professional. In his professional bowling tour debut, he defeats established pro Ernie McCracken, who takes the loss poorly and seeks revenge. McCracken convinces Roy to join him in hustling a group of local amateur bowlers. When the amateurs become furious after realizing they are being con artist, McCracken flees while Roy is brutally beaten and loses his hand when it is forced into the pinsetter, ending his career. Seventeen years later, Roy uses a prosthetic hand and is living in Scranton, Pennsylvania, as an alcoholic, unsuccessful traveling salesman of bowling supplies. He is always behind on his rent and is constantly harassed by his landlady, Mrs. Dumars, eventually being reduced to trade sexual favors with her for a break on his back rent.
Flashy young bowler Roy Munson wins the 1979 Iowa state bowling championship and leaves home to turn professional. In his professional bowling tour debut, he defeats established pro Ernie McCracken, who takes the loss poorly and seeks revenge. McCracken convinces Roy to join him in hustling a group of local amateur bowlers. When the amateurs become furious after realizing they are being con artist, McCracken flees while Roy is brutally beaten and loses his hand when it is forced into the pinsetter, ending his career. Seventeen years later, Roy uses a prosthetic hand and is living in Scranton, Pennsylvania, as an alcoholic, unsuccessful traveling salesman of bowling supplies. He is always behind on his rent and is constantly harassed by his landlady, Mrs. Dumars, eventually being reduced to trade sexual favors with her for a break on his back rent.
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