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Comedy, Family, Animation
Prince Charming is a prince who was cursed nearly twenty one years ago by his father's former partner Nemeny Neverwish. Jealous because he wouldn't marry her, Nemeny has placed a curse on the young Charming. With an overdose of charming powder, Charming has the ability to instantly bewitch every woman in the land, at least he does until his 21st birthday, when all the love in the world will disappear. The only way for Charming to break the spell is if he finds his true love. However, with his 21st birthday nearing, Charming has proposed to not one but three bachelorettes; Cinderella, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty, who are all unaware that they're engaged to the same guy. Growing tired of his flippancy, Charming's father kicks him out of the house to go on a quest known as the Gauntlet, and along the way true love begins to blossom.
Prince Charming is a prince who was cursed nearly twenty one years ago by his father's former partner Nemeny Neverwish. Jealous because he wouldn't marry her, Nemeny has placed a curse on the young Charming. With an overdose of charming powder, Charming has the ability to instantly bewitch every woman in the land, at least he does until his 21st birthday, when all the love in the world will disappear. The only way for Charming to break the spell is if he finds his true love. However, with his 21st birthday nearing, Charming has proposed to not one but three bachelorettes; Cinderella, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty, who are all unaware that they're engaged to the same guy. Growing tired of his flippancy, Charming's father kicks him out of the house to go on a quest known as the Gauntlet, and along the way true love begins to blossom.
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