Ultra Q
3 seasons • 1966 • Ended
Science Fiction, Fantasy, Action, Thriller, Mystery
The first television series produced by Eiji Tsyburaya, the special effects man behind "Godzilla." In the vein of "The Outer Limits" and "The Twilight Zone," except with giant rubber-suited monsters. The show revolves around three recurring characters and the situations they get into with said monsters. The show is the precursor to the "Ultraman" series.
The first television series produced by Eiji Tsyburaya, the special effects man behind "Godzilla." In the vein of "The Outer Limits" and "The Twilight Zone," except with giant rubber-suited monsters. The show revolves around three recurring characters and the situations they get into with said monsters. The show is the precursor to the "Ultraman" series.