Kamisama Kiss
Kamisama Kiss
Kamisama Kiss
2 seasons2012Ended
Fantasy, Comedy, Animation, Action, Anime
The story follows Nanami, a girl who finds herself homeless after her father leaves. One day she comes across a strange man who offers to let her have his old house - only to discover it is a Shinto shrine. Not only that, but he was actually a deity who secretly transferred his powers to her! Nanami now finds herself as a Land God with a whole new set of responsibilities ahead.
The story follows Nanami, a girl who finds herself homeless after her father leaves. One day she comes across a strange man who offers to let her have his old house - only to discover it is a Shinto shrine. Not only that, but he was actually a deity who secretly transferred his powers to her! Nanami now finds herself as a Land God with a whole new set of responsibilities ahead.
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